Generals.exe simply vanishes within a few seconds. After enabling this, attempting to launch the game simply does not work, no error report or anything. My problem is that before granting permission to run in XP 3, the game explicitly tells me it could not launch and to try running it in an older compatibility. Notably, I have not been running into the same errors as everyone else I have been reading as running into. I have changed both the base install folder and the data folder in documents to disable read-only access. I have changed the properties on the game launcher to grant it admin privileges and run it with XP 3 compatibility enabled. To wit, I've properly created the options.ini file with proper file type as well as altering the resolution to match my desktop resolution. I've been trawling all over the internet for a fix for my problem.

I've tried a large number of solutions to the problems that 64 bit Windows 7 has with Generals and Zero Hour, to no avail.